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Align yourself with the Moon Phases to unlock its Magic


The Moon holds powerful energies, flowing with the moons energy can bring great spiritual balance. You can use the moon to manifest, heal, let go or reflect.

wednesday’s World

As the Moons energy affects the tides of the seas, it affects the tides in us; our emotions, reactions, our habits, intuition, the past; for this reason it is the mediator between the inner and outer world.  Apart from the sun the moon has the power to impact our inner being more then any other planet. The moon has the ability to make us look into our past, in order for us to learn from past actions. It has the power to bring forth our hidden desires or fears. Working with the moon is a great way to find alignment.

Key Moon Moments – And what to do with them!

here are many approaches to using the moon, some people like to use just the full moon and new moon, some like to use the whole moon cycle. Here we are going to look at what I believe to be the 4 main stages and what energies we can apply to match the moons energy.

I also encourage you to connect yourself with the moon. Try and feel its energy, notice its beauty and feel its moon rays. The more you get familiar with the moon and connect with it.

In the 4 phases moon system we will focus on the New Moon, Full Moon, Waning Moon, and Waxing moon.

Its up to you how you use the moons energy and which moon phases you want to focus on, in what order you want to focus on. At this time I have started firstly with in the Waning Phase


MAIN FOCUS – Declutter, Rest, reflect and let Go!

A Waning Moon is what follows a full Moon. The moon gradually gets smaller until the new Moon. A Waning Moon is a time of reflection, decluttering and getting rid of anything that is no longer serving you. It is a time to rest and slow down.

What in your life do you want to release?

If there is anything negative in your life that you want rid of? This could be negative people or situations. You can use this time to heal any emotions or physical pain we are feeling. Do a letting go ritual. The moon will approach its dark moon phase. (Which is a couple of days where the moon is no longer visible in the sky.) Use this time to feel all of what you want to let go of go and prepare to welcome in the New Moon

It is also a time to take extra care of yourself, whilst reflecting on how far you have come. Additionally, If you home is in need of a clean and declutter this is the best time to do it. If things have been fast paced it is a good time to stay still and meditate.

Use this time need to replenish and clear ready to plant seeds of new beginnings with the coming new moon.


MAIN FOCUS – Cleansing and New Beginnings

This is when the first glimmer of light appears after the Dark Moon Phase. it is the beginning of a new moon cycle and a good time to welcome in a fresh start.

Use this time to set in goals or start something new, Make lists of things you need to get done

Cleanse a space in your house or yourself. Cleanse your front door to welcome in new beginnings. Or set a cleansing bath with salts.



A Waxing Moon gradually grows in the sky before it will reach a full moon! Making this the perfect time to manifest those seeds you have planted during the Waning period! This is a higher energy time, spend time putting your dreams, ambitions and desires into action.

Use this time to socialise and spend time with loved ones.

Use the Moons magnetic force to build momentum towards your goals as well as applying your self to any activities that help push your forward. It is also a time to help you over come any challenges you have been facing.


A Full Moon is when the Moon is completely illuminated. Therefore as the moon shines fully it is key that you do also!

This is the Moons most powerful phase it is a time to celebrate all that you have achieved during this Moon Cycle, What have you learnt about yourself? What have you achieved? Big or small. It is a perfect time for healing and to send out blessing to others

Enjoy life, dance and sing. Embody your full Power and welcome in positivity and gratitude!

Dark Moon

Although it is not part of the 4 phase moon it is still a vital transition. These few short days in between moon phases when the moon is no longer visible in the sky, are a perfect time to banish things out of your life that no longer serve you


You can do all of the above at any time, this is a guide to align your psyche with the moon! It has been said that aligning with the moons energies opens up its true power for you. The moon has enough power to give us all, Take the time to get to know the Moon and its phases!

Sending Love and Blessings to all! Most importantly to those that have taken the time to read this article