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Treating your Body like the Temple it is

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How to be Confident with Acne

Remember that Filters exist  When you aimlessly scroll through social media, through the endless amounts of flawless faces, please remember that they are filters. Next time you are watching a video of a flawless skin, have a look at what filter they are using. I started to do this randomly one day and was surprised…

side view of woman washing her face

7 Habits to avoid when you have Acne

Things you shouldn’t do if you have Acne!  1. Don’t touch your face. When I started college, I was really shy so I use to rest my chin in my hand sort of like listening whilst holding my face, I had a cluster of spots in the exact print of my hand. our hands touch…

Quitting Face Products. Now! – My Acne Journey

As I sat moaning to my partner about my acne for the 1000th time, (he never gets bored of it), he replies in a similar manor every time; “Why don’t you stop using them chemical filled face washes and let you skin breathe”. I usually ALWAYS dismiss him. He just didn’t understand! The popular video…

My Acne Journey – From the Beginning

Spoiler Alert! This is more of a story. But I felt it important to share my journey with acne up until this point. I have tried to keep it as brief as possible as I could write a book with my journey. Wednesday’s World Close friends, family members and my GP have heard my moans…

I Quit Deodorant and This is What Happened

Find out what you REALLY smell like, by going on a deodorant strike! If you haven’t considered quitting deodorant yet, then it’s definitely worth a try. It won’t work for everyone, but you will in a scent discover things about yourself. How it started My partner ran out of deodorant and kept forgetting to buy…

close up photo of water splashing from glass

5 Tips – How to Improve Water Drinking Habits

We all know that we should be drinking lots of water everyday. Water is ta vital substance for human beings. Nevertheless a lot of us are not alone, we still struggle to drink enough water. Some finding it difficult to consume one glass within the day let alone the recommended 2 litres! So how can…